"(Required)" indicates required fields



1. Do you want treatment for stronger erections?(Required)
2. How often are you climaxing sooner than you would like during sex?(Required)
3. Select your state(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY



1. How long do you typically last during sexual activity before climaxing?(Required)
2. Over the past month, how was your control over ejaculation during sexual activity?(Required)
3. How distressed are you by how fast you ejaculate?(Required)
4. Over the past month, how satisfied were you with your sex life?(Required)
5. To. What extent does how fast you ejaculate cause difficulty in your relationship(s)?(Required)
6. Have you always experienced early ejaculation during all or almost all sexuality?(Required)
7. Have you taken medication or used other types of treatment to delay ejaculation?(Required)
(This includes medications prescribed, behavioral modifications, supplements or medications purchased over the counter or online or other treatments.)
8. Do you have difficulty getting or staying hard before ejaculating during sexual activity?(Required)
10. Do you have low sex drive, a general lack of energy, or a noticeable decrease in physical strength or endurance?(Required)
11. What is your gender?(Required)
(We ask this question of all of our patients to ensure that we provide you with safe and effective care. We are inclusive of all people.)
12. What was your sex assigned at birth?(Required)
(For example, on your original birth certificate)
14. Have you smoked, ingested, or used any of the following within the past 3 months?(Required)
15. Have any of your first degree relatives (parents or full siblings) ever attempted suicide or been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, hypomania, mania, or major depression?(Required)
16. Do you have or have you been previously diagnosed with any of the following?(Required)